Friday, April 3, 2009

Test Partner Certification Sample Question Papers or Test Partner Dumps

Test Partner Certification Sample Question Papers or Test Partner Dumps:

1. What is the scripting language of TestPartner
a. VBScript
b. Vb
c. C++
d. VBA

2. Which panes are available in start screen
a. Visual Test, Help, Flags
b. Flags, Help, Script
c. Test, Help, Watch
d. Script Test, Flags, Test

3. Functions can exist in
a. Script
b. Modules
c. Flags
d. Shared Modules

4. Which of the following is not an event
a. Key
b. Mouse
c. Screen
d. Monitor

5. What loops are available in TestPartner
a. For each loop
b. Do loop
c. Select Case
d. If-else-endif

6. Types of Object map entries are
a. Image map entry
b. Alias map entry
c. Name entry
d. Object type

7. Data for data driven tests can be fetched from
a. Excel
b. Paint
c. Word
d. Access

8. Test partner has which function to hault the script for a while
a. Run
b. Break
c. Pause
d. Resume

9. Which of the following is not a check
a. Bitmap
b. Content
c. Watch
d. TestArea

10. What is used to mange the TestAssets
a. Tools
b. Watch list
c. Asset Browser
d. Database

VU Gen Certification Sample Question Papers or VU Gen Dumps

Virtual User Generator Certification Sample Question Papers or Virtual User Generator Question Paper Dumps:

1) To add a text check during recording in VuGen which statement is added to the script:

a) web_reg_find
b) web_text_find
c) web_reg_check
d) web_text_check

2) Which function can only be used in action section, and not in vuser_init or vuser_end

a) lr_think_time
b) lr_end_transaction
c) lr_start_transaction
d) lr_rendezvous

3) The Virtual User Generator (VuGen) component is used to record a script and The Controller component is used to playback the script in multi-user mode (True/False)

4) Which of the following statements are TRUE
a) In an HTML based recording, a step is generated for each user action
b) A HTML based script captures all HTTP requests sent to the server as a result of user actions, in discrete steps.

5) How do you find out where correlation is required?
A) Scan for correlations, and see the list of values which can be correlated.
B) Record two scripts and compare them.
a) A only
b) B only
c) A & B

6) Transaction Status can not be:
a) Ir_AUTO
b) Ir_PASS
c) Ir_FAIL
d) lr_STOP

7) Transaction is defined to measure the performance of the

a) Server
b) Client action
c) Vuser
d) VuScript

8) When you run multiple iterations of Vuser script which section is repeated:
a) Actions
b) Vuser_init
c) Vuser_end
d) All of the above

9) To statement is recorded into LoadRunner while using Correlation
a) web_reg_save_param
b) web_save_param
c) web_save_reg_param
d) web_text_check

10)To log statement into Output file and logs
a) lr_output_message
b) lr_set__message
c) lr_log
d) lr_report

11)Correlation rule will enhance the script with parameter during
a) Recording
b) Running
c) While creating the correlation rule
d) None

12)Which of the following statement is true
a) A single script cannot be assigned to multiple scenario groups with different run time settings
b) A scenario group can be assigned with multiple Load Generators
c) A single script can be assigned to multiple groups with different run time settings
d) none

Win Runner Certification Sample Question Papers for or Win Runner Dumps

Win Runner Certification Sample Question Papers or Win Runner Question Paper Dumps:

1. Which of the function/s will be used to ensure the reliability in analog recording?
a. Win_max
b. Win_min
c. Win_resize
d. Win_move
e. c, d

2. Which of the following recording mode dependent on the mouse paths and screen coordinates
a. Analog
b. Context Sensitive

3. Identify the statement does not belong to Synchronization point
a. Set_window()
b. Obj_wait_info()
c. Edit_set()
d. Obj_wait_bitmap()

4. which of the following statement is not a optimal solution for synchronization
a. Set_window()
b. Obj_wait_info()
c. Obj_wait_bitmap()
d. Wait()

5. Type of Check point/s in Win Runner available
a. GUI
b. Bitmap
c. Database
d. All
e. None

6. Extension for a multiple check point file
a. *.ckl
b. *.chk
c. *.ls
d. None

7. Run modes in Winrunner
a. Debug
b. Verify
c. Update
d. All
e. None

8. At the check point WinRunner compares Values
a. "debug" with those in "res"
b. "res" with those in "exp"
c. "res" with those in "db"
d. "res" with those in "chklist"

9. To retrieve the value from a data column the function is
a. ddt_col()
b. ddt_row()
c. ddt_val()
d. none

10. The function used to load GUI map file
a. Load()
b. GUI_Load()
c. GUI_open()
d. Open()

Quality Center Certification Sample Question Papers or Quality Center Dumps

Quality Center Certification Sample Question Papers or Quality Center Question Paper Dumps:

1. Which of the following is not a status of requirement
a) Not Completed
b) Not Covered
c) Not Finished
d) No Run

2. Which of the following is not a module of Quality Center
a) Test Lab
b) Test Plan
c) Requirements
d) Design Lab

3. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct for requirement coverage view
A. Document View
B. Coverage View
C. Coverage Analysis View
D. Document Analysis View
a) A, B Only
b) A, B, D Only
c) A, B, C Only
d) All

4. The root folder of Test Plan is
a) Subject
b) Root
c) Plan
d) None

5. The root folder of Test Lab is
a) Subject
b) Root
c) Plan
d) None

6. Tests will be executed from the module
a) Test Lab
b) Test Plan
c) Requirements
d) None

7. Which of the options is not there on final failure of any test in test set
a) Do nothing
b) Stop the test set
c) Re run the test set
d) Exit the test set

8. which of the following module is not a extra addin for Quality center
a) Defects
b) Business Process Testing
c) Dashboard
d) Releases

9. To run the QTP test scripts which of the add-in need to be installed
a) Business process testing
b) QC Addin for QTP
c) Dashboard
d) None

10. Test scripts can be attached with the tests in the following module
a) Requirements
b) Test Plan
c) Test Lab
d) Defects

Load Runner Certification Sample Question Papers or Load Runner Dumps

Load Runner Certification Sample Question Papers or Load Runner Question Paper Dumps:

1) How many actions are set by default in LoadRunner
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3 (vuser_init, action & vuser_end)
d) 4

2) The Hits per Second graph shows
a) The response sent by Web server to the Vusers during each Transaction of the scenario run
b) The number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each Transaction of the scenario run
c) The response sent by Web server to the Vusers during each second of the scenario run
d) The number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each second of the scenario run

3) What is the Load Testing Process sequence
a) Planning the test, Creating VuScript, Generating Vusers, Creating the scenario, Running the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, analysing the results).
b) Planning the test, Creating VuScript, Creating the scenario, Generating Vusers, Running the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, analysing the results.
c) Creating Vusers, Planning the test, Creating the scenario, Running the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, analysing the results.
d) Planning the test, Creating Vusers, Creating the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, Running the scenario, analysing the results.

4) Type of goals in Goal oriented scenario
1. The number of concurrent Vusers
2. The number of hits per second
3. The number of transactions per second
4. The number of pages per minute
5. The transaction response time that you want your scenario.
a) 1,3 only
b) 3,4,5 only
c) 1,2,3 only
d) 1,2,3,4,5

5) What are the changes you can make in run-time settings?
A. Pacing
B. Log
C. Extended Think Time
D. Correlation settings
a) A only
b) D only
c) A, B and C
d) B and D
e) all the above

6) Ramp Up is:
a) Transition from ready to run state
b) The group is set to run for a fixed duration
c) The group is set to run for a random duration
d) None of the above

7) Ramp down is setting is available when
a) The group is set to run entire completion
b) The group is set to run for a fixed duration
c) The group is set to run for random duration
d) All of the above

8) Which is not a state of Vuser
a) Abort
b) Error
c) Stopped
d) Rendezvous

9) Scenario Group consists of
a) Script path
b) Load Generator
c) No. of Users or percentage
d) All

10)If you want to add remote windows resource monitors, your login username on remote machine should appear as _____________
a) Network user
b) Local user
c) Administrator
d) None

11) By default the number of graphs visible on controller are
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 8

12)Analysis summary report consists of
a) Maximum Running Vusers
b) Total throughput
c) Total hits
d) All

13)Which of the following is not a valid Scenario Type
a) Manual
b) Goal Oriented
c) Automatic
d) None

QTP Certification Sample Question Papers or QTP Dumps

Quick Test Professional Certification Sample Question Papers or Quick Test Professional Question Paper Dumps:

1. User can covert a non-reusable action into Reusable from
a. Action properties
b. Action call properties
c. Call properties

2. Syntax for With statement
a. With … End With
b. With Step 2 … End With
c. With … End
d. With Loop …. End

3. What is the default ordinal identifier for windows
a. Location
b. Index

4. User has 3 tsr files. User wants to merge them at once. Is it possible
a. Yes
b. No

5. Are objects for all the transactions in a script stored under a single action with object repository
a. True
b. False

6. The concatenation operation in VB Script is
a. &
b. *
c. $
d. @

7. In order to open a test result, which option should user select:-
a. Resources -> Results
b. Insert -> Results
c. Tools -> Results
d. Automation -> Results

8. Which of the following is not a time related feature
a. Msgbox
b. Wait
c. End Transaction
d. Synchronization

9. Exporting data from a DataTable sheet to an external excel sheet which method should be user
a. Export
b. ExportSheet
c. Import
d. ImportSheet

10. Where can user change the global synchronization timeout value
a. File -> Settings -> Run
b. Tool -> Options -> Script
c. Using wait property