Friday, April 3, 2009

Load Runner Certification Sample Question Papers or Load Runner Dumps

Load Runner Certification Sample Question Papers or Load Runner Question Paper Dumps:

1) How many actions are set by default in LoadRunner
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3 (vuser_init, action & vuser_end)
d) 4

2) The Hits per Second graph shows
a) The response sent by Web server to the Vusers during each Transaction of the scenario run
b) The number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each Transaction of the scenario run
c) The response sent by Web server to the Vusers during each second of the scenario run
d) The number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each second of the scenario run

3) What is the Load Testing Process sequence
a) Planning the test, Creating VuScript, Generating Vusers, Creating the scenario, Running the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, analysing the results).
b) Planning the test, Creating VuScript, Creating the scenario, Generating Vusers, Running the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, analysing the results.
c) Creating Vusers, Planning the test, Creating the scenario, Running the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, analysing the results.
d) Planning the test, Creating Vusers, Creating the scenario, Monitoring the scenario, Running the scenario, analysing the results.

4) Type of goals in Goal oriented scenario
1. The number of concurrent Vusers
2. The number of hits per second
3. The number of transactions per second
4. The number of pages per minute
5. The transaction response time that you want your scenario.
a) 1,3 only
b) 3,4,5 only
c) 1,2,3 only
d) 1,2,3,4,5

5) What are the changes you can make in run-time settings?
A. Pacing
B. Log
C. Extended Think Time
D. Correlation settings
a) A only
b) D only
c) A, B and C
d) B and D
e) all the above

6) Ramp Up is:
a) Transition from ready to run state
b) The group is set to run for a fixed duration
c) The group is set to run for a random duration
d) None of the above

7) Ramp down is setting is available when
a) The group is set to run entire completion
b) The group is set to run for a fixed duration
c) The group is set to run for random duration
d) All of the above

8) Which is not a state of Vuser
a) Abort
b) Error
c) Stopped
d) Rendezvous

9) Scenario Group consists of
a) Script path
b) Load Generator
c) No. of Users or percentage
d) All

10)If you want to add remote windows resource monitors, your login username on remote machine should appear as _____________
a) Network user
b) Local user
c) Administrator
d) None

11) By default the number of graphs visible on controller are
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 8

12)Analysis summary report consists of
a) Maximum Running Vusers
b) Total throughput
c) Total hits
d) All

13)Which of the following is not a valid Scenario Type
a) Manual
b) Goal Oriented
c) Automatic
d) None

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